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Practicing Gratitude

As we are about to enter 2019, one of my New Year resolutions is to actively practice GRATITUDE!

I took a mental health seminar earlier in the year where I saw Dr Joti Samra, R.Psych, Principal/Founder of MyWorkplaceHealth.com and Renee Charles – Facilitator/Performance Coach at Morneau Shepell speak. One of my biggest takeaways was the simple reminder of taking care of YOURSELF first, so you can care for your family, your staff, your team.

As a busy, full-time working Mom in a fastest-paced and highly competitive industry, deadlines, being constantly “on” and overextending my time can easily become the norm towards success.

Does this sound familiar to you? Maybe you find yourself doing the same thing?

There was a point in my career where I was working over 40 hours a week. I was tired. I was stressed. I felt sick. I lost my hair and had alopecia! It was a depressing time.

After getting married and having Mikayla, I realized how that life moves fast. There’s more to it than just getting up and going to work. I knew I had to find my balance again… find a work-life balance. No more pity party, no more negative thoughts. Find my positive attitude again. Be thankful.

Why practice gratitude?

Gratitude improves psychological health. Gratitude reduces a multitude of toxic emotions, from envy and resentment to frustration and regret. – PsychologyToday.com

Practising gratitude also reduces stress, increases self-esteem and reduces social-comparisons, which is SO easy to do when you spend lots of time on Instagram!

Rather than becoming resentful toward people who have more money or better jobs—a major factor in reduced self-esteem—grateful people are able to appreciate other people’s accomplishments. – PsychologyToday.com

How to practice gratitude?

In her seminar, Dr Samra recommended that we make a list of 10 things we’re grateful for every day. We can take 10 minutes every morning when we first wake up or take 10 minutes before going to bed at night.

I liked the idea of taking 10 minutes before falling asleep at night. It just feels like a good ending to any kind of day.

Listing these things could be anywhere from, being thankful for my husband, thankful for my daughter, thankful for my family, thankful for the home we’ve made, thankful to live in a good neighbourhood, thankful for my health. OR it could be more specific, like today I’m thankful for the co-worker that stepped up and covered for me, thankful for the guy in line, waiting for his food who helped me clear a table at A&W so my daughter and I could enjoy our lunch, thankful for the lady who gave me a genuine encouraging smile when she saw my 2-year-old daughter having a tantrum at the store, thankful that we can afford gas right now!

Some people keep a gratitude journal and others make a list in their heads. I list it off in my head, but it’s nice to write it down and see it.

There are days where my 10 things are the same 10 things as the day before. To help with that I have a calendar that I can look at to give me ideas and get me started on a unique daily gratitude list.

Click the image below and save the Gratitude Calendar.

Amanda, this sounds a little hokey.

It’s a bit of work in the beginning but after practising every day for one week, it gets easier. Your thoughts flow faster and you list things off naturally.

I find that when I do practice gratitude, I complain less about the things we don’t have that I think we deserve. My mind starts to focus more on the things I am lucky to have and I go to sleep easier and happier.

Click the image and save the Gratitude Calendar. Print it and post it up on your bulletin board or save it on your phone.

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Amanda Breen
Amanda Breen

Amanda is a writer, photographer, videographer and a content creator with a passion for sharing stories. With her family of 5, they share experiences, tips and ideas that empower Moms to make memories with their families right here in British Columbia.

Find me on: Web | Twitter | Instagram | Facebook

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