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Face Masks and Sleep Training

We are doing face masks today! Mikayla’s is just for fun. Her skin doesn’t need it. But she loves playing with the oat and coconut flour paste. We really should be napping but this is more fun.

When MK was 3 months old till about 5 months she was sleeping through the night. It was great. Her last feeding would be at 11pm then she’d be asleep till about 6:45am have a morning feeding and back to sleep till 9am. Unbelievable. The first time she slept through the night I woke up at 7am in a panic cus I thought I slept through all her crying. I checked on her and she was still peacefully asleep.

It’s a bit of a different story now. MK has grown two little teeth. Since she’s started teething she’s goes to bed at 9:45pm up at 12am, 3am, 5am and 7am. Ughhhhh. Baby needs to eat! Although it’s exhausting, I’m not too worried about it. I’ve looked into sleep training books and articles but I don’t physically have a problem with MK waking up in the middle of the night. I’m still making milk and although I’m a little sleep deprived I still have the energy to get through my day. And I’m lucky, I get a break when Chris’ is off cus he’ll take her if she won’t go back to sleep after her 7am feeding. They’ll play, eat breakfast and go for a car ride. He’ll come back with her fast asleep and I get a good sleep in, sometimes till 11am! Ahhhhmazing!

Not gonna lie though. It’s freakin frustrating when all you want to do is sleep. I whimper right along side with her cus all I want to do is sleep. No more crying though… haha! I’m thankfully passed my sobbing days (for now at least).

Some have suggested that we start “sleep training”. That phrase has so many meanings and there are so many methods of sleep training. You can let the baby cry it out – leave her in the crib tired and sleepy and if she fusses leave her be, but check on her, shush her and leave again. There are so many methods, google them and you’ll find every kind of story and every kind of opinion on them. I don’t really have a plan on “sleep training”. I honestly don’t know what I’m doing but I’m not worried about it. I just plan on keeping a routine. She goes to bed in her crib at 9:45pm, naps twice a day, one of them in her crib and we go out to walk Zoey, meet up with friends or shop during the day. If she wakes during the night, I tell myself it’s okay. It’s normal. She’s healthy. She’s happy. She’ll sleep through the night when she’s ready.

I’m learning that being a Mom, being a happy Mom takes a lot of letting go. I watch for her cues and I help her get what she needs. We’re just doing the best we can and having fun as we go.

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Amanda Breen
Amanda Breen

Amanda is a writer, photographer, videographer and a content creator with a passion for sharing stories. With her family of 5, they share experiences, tips and ideas that empower Moms to make memories with their families right here in British Columbia.

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