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Breastfeeding Tips and Tricks

Mikayla’s at 11 months now and I’m continuing to nurse her. I’m not sure when we’ll stop, but I’m thinking she’ll stop wanting to nurse eventually. My doctor said I could nurse her all the way to two years old if I wanted to. I honestly don’t feel like going that long though. I think I’ll nurse her up until I go back to work. Then we’ll sadly move on from that and she truly will be a “big girl”! As much as I disliked breastfeeding in the very, very beginning, I love it now.

Why do I love breastfeeding now?

She’s such an active little person, that when she’s nursing it’s one of the only times she is absolutely still and relaxed in my arms, looking up at me, playing with my hair or hugging me. It’s so sweet and I love those moments. Over the months I’ve picked up a few nursing tips and tricks.

10 Breastfeeding Tips & Tricks

  1. In the very beginning, help your baby learn to nurse by thinking of your breast as a HAMBURGER. When you eat a big hamburger you squeeze it flat to fit it in your mouth. Do the same with your breast. Squeeze it flat to fit it in your baby’s mouth.
  2. Help them latch by waiting till they open their mouths SUPER WIDE then boom! Stick your nipple in the baby’s mouth. It may look like your suffocating them, because your breast will cover their entire mouth and nose. Then adjust and pull away a little to see if they’ve latched on. I would wait till Mikayla would give me a big wail, then I would stick my nipple in her mouth
  3. You can tell they are sucking and drinking by watching their jaw. Fast movements is them sucking which is normal, then you’ll see slow movements which means they are drinking. You’ll see them go suck, suck, suck, gulp, gulp.
  4. When they’re young, keep them awake while “eating” or nursing by blowing on them, flicking their feet, tapping their jaw, rubbing their ears.
  5. Splashing cold water on your nipples and patting them dry after each feeding may help your nips heal faster.
  6. Wearing light clothing and “airing out” your boobs AKA walking around your house with no shirt on, helps your nips heal faster too (HAHA this was hilarious.)
  7. Nipple butter is your best friend. Put lots on after every feeding or after you splash cold water on your nips. Read: “10 things you need for a positive breastfeeding experience” to discover a nipple butter that is AMAZING!
  8. When you feel a tingling or cramping sensation on your other breast while you’re nursing, it means your boob is about to leak. Take your free arm and press on your free boob to stop the leaking. (This is what I’m doing in these pics).
  9. If you want to make more milk, eat more and drink more water. Mother’s milk tea also helps! Don’t forget to continue taking your prenatal vitamins. This is my FAVOURITE site and a site recommended to me by my doctor and nurses for all kinds of breastfeeding questions: KellyMom.com
  10. In the Summer, stick nursing pads in your bandeaus to make them strapless nursing bras for your off the shoulder tops and dresses.

In the very beginning, breastfeeding may come easier to some than others. Don’t beat yourself up! It’s not easy and your body may not may milk right away. That’s okay! If you can, surround yourself with supportive people. It helped me to have a friend who had a positive breastfeeding experience. It kept me hopeful and it was great knowing I could ask her anything.

Amanda’s Dress: Zara
Mikayla’s Shorts: Carters

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Amanda Breen
Amanda Breen

Amanda is a writer, photographer, videographer and a content creator with a passion for sharing stories. With her family of 5, they share experiences, tips and ideas that empower Moms to make memories with their families right here in British Columbia.

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